I was watching the daily show “The Anti-Social Network”, about the facebook obsession last night, and they were discussing about Mark Zuckerberg the co-founder and CEO of facebooks interview on “60 mints,” and it seems that he was having a panic attach when asked about the problems of facebook.
Every social network and any other
free web hosting websites will have its pros and cons, and that is just the way it is, and if people do not want to use these networks then they simply should not sign up and create an account. I have read about student who were being stalked because of facebook, but that is not Mark Zuckerberg fault. People should not add their phone numbers, addresses or any other personal information on their facebook profiles because 24,000 or more people could be using this information for the wrong reasons.
Facebook has become an obsession I myself found that it is hard to get off because it took hours to upload photos, and it also has so many differen interesting things like chating, games, groups, etc, but the facebook obsessions will
continue, and will always have problems such as: “False,” problems many of the users are creating by misunderstanding others statuses, and by taking status updates as if it were about them. So will facebook become unpopular like myspace has? and is Twitter the best social network that is out?